Advanced Locomotion + Sword Combat, Unreal Engine (Technical Animation)

Описание к видео Advanced Locomotion + Sword Combat, Unreal Engine (Technical Animation)

Detailed description of included locomotion/combat features could be found at my Behance page:

State Machine:
Orient Based Locomotion:
Idle & Aim Offsets
Walking, Jogging, Running, Sprinting Cycles, Turns
Starts & Turns in place
Strafe Locomotion
Equip/Unequip Weapon
Anim Dynamics

Battle System:
Melee Hit Combo
Directional Attacks
Long-Range Attack & Dodge
Hit Reactions

Quick Overview of NPC

short videos playlist:
   • Azri Loco  

You can play the demo on your PC by downloading the archive by this link:

This is a project I've been working on for a while - advanced locomotion inside Unreal Engine + battle system with the enemy prototype. The project is root-motion based, 97% of main character animations are pure keyframe, but hit reactions/deaths and the NPC animations are I've made with a Mixamo mocap.

My Contacts:
Vyacheslav Borovik - Technical Animator, Kraków
[email protected]


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