eBay fake product explodes and goes on fire

Описание к видео eBay fake product explodes and goes on fire

This video left me "shaken but not stirred" in a good adrenaline rush type of way.

Here's the "short" version (literally!) with just the explosions and fire:-
   • Fake product explodes!  

Two more completely fake products being sold via eBay and circumventing formal safety test channels. Not just fake though, but stupidly and very dangerously fake. They could have made a safe fake product, but instead chose to make one that can injure and cause fires.

The electrically sustained fire at the end was caused by current flowing through the burning carbonising plastic. It would be interesting to test if this arcing would have tripped an arc fault detection breaker. I get the feeling it wouldn't due to their lack of sensitivity due to having to deal with noisy electronic loads.

One day eBay's lack of interest in policing products sold through their website is going to catch up with them. Sometimes I wonder how many people have been injured or killed by the products they facilitate selling. Amazon have stocked this product too (current listing now removed).

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