Gulaš sa piletinom/Vrlo ukusan

Описание к видео Gulaš sa piletinom/Vrlo ukusan

Veliki pozdrav dragi moji.Danas pripremamo gulaš sa piletinom.Mnogo se brže i lakše sprema nego gulaš sa nekom drugom vrstom mesa.Odnos mesa i luka je 2:1 tako da količinu luka prilagodite količini mesa.Pravim ga bez brašna,važno je samo da ga na laganoj vatri lepo ukrčkate da se luk raskuva.Ako volite čorbastiji gulaš kada se luk raskuva 1 ravnu kašiku brašna razmutite sa 200ml vode,dodajte u gulaš i krčkajte ga još 15 minuta na laganoj vatri.

Ukupno vreme za pripremu 1h20minuta
-300g crnog luka/2 malo veće glavice
-1 srednja šargarepa/80-100g
-2 čena belog luka
-60ml ulja
-600g pilećeg filea
-1 ravna kašika aleve paprike
-so,biber,začin po ukusu
-150ml pasiranog paradajza
-100+400ml vode
-lovorov list
-kari po ukusu

Greetings, my dears. Today we are preparing stew with chicken. It is much faster and easier to prepare than stew with any other type of meat. The ratio of meat to onion is 2:1, so adjust the amount of onion to the amount of meat. I make it without flour, it is only important that saute it over low heat to break up the onion.
If you like a soupier goulash, when the onion is cooked, mix 1 level spoonful of flour with 200ml of water, add it to the goulash and simmer it for another 15 minutes on low heat.

Total preparation time 1h20 minutes
-300g of onion/2 slightly larger heads
-1 medium carrot/80-100g
-2 cloves of garlic
-60ml of oil
- 600g of chicken fillet
-1 flat spoon of allspice
- salt, pepper, spices to taste
-150ml of pureed tomatoes
-100+400ml of water
-Bay leaf
- curry to taste


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