(Hugo Leopardi and the two-faced Snake) LISA: The Pointless-Downtown's Mechanic playthrough. FINALE

Описание к видео (Hugo Leopardi and the two-faced Snake) LISA: The Pointless-Downtown's Mechanic playthrough. FINALE

Y'know, it's a funny thing. I always sort of saw Jason and Hugo as parallels to one another, with them both being glove-wearing medical practitioners that do some TERRIBLE stuff in post-flash Olathe for their own benefit, but with them both being night-and-day in how they go about it. Hugo's very upfront about his nature as a sadistic, maniacal serial killer that uses his stealth-skills and uncanny strength to kill dozens of people, whereas Jason operates as the center of attention and tends to screw people over/indirectly lead to his death all for his own self-benefit, topped off by the fact that in IU, his fight has him acting as the group healer...

Having said all this, I VERY MUCH like the interpretation that when backed into a corner and pressed like Arnold and Ross did here, he's all too eager to start slicing and dicing exactly like Hugo does, albeit with less skill and finesse with his lack of combo-dial. Also fits his scummy, cowardly characterization with how he only does this when facing off against a pair of opponents with broken ribs and brain damage...

But yeah, that's at least the non-Infinitized route for Downtown's Mechanic. This update really just went a colossal way in providing the mod with a lot of cool new features and QoL abilities like sprinting, and seeing Arnold build genuine comradery with both Anaconda and Ross was great to see.


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