Best Free Youtube Channels for JEE Mains & Advance 2023 Preparation |Crack IITJEE Without Coaching

Описание к видео Best Free Youtube Channels for JEE Mains & Advance 2023 Preparation |Crack IITJEE Without Coaching

Hello Everyone !
This is Shubham kumar from NIT Kuruksehtra ( CSE Branch ).These are Best Youtube Channels that i Followed to Crack JEE 2020 Without Coaching. I took Crash course at Bansal Classes for 4 Months & followed these Channels.
If you can't afford Expensive Coaching courses, then you can take help from these Youtube Channels in your JEE Preparation.

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1. ‪@physicsgalaxyworld‬ Ashish Arora sir
   / physicsgalaxy74  
a) Jee Mains Checklist
b) Booster Checklist
c) Theory + Notes

2. ‪@PhysicsWallah‬
a) for clearing Concepts of Physics
b) Jee Mains Questions Practice

3. ‪@unacademy-accelerate5600‬Pankaj Singh sir
a) 1000+ Physics problems Playlist (Mains + Advance)
   • 1000 Problems Practice Series - Mecha...  

1. ‪@MohitTyagi‬ sir
Class 11 & 12 Full Maths syllabus ( Jee mains & Advance )

2. ‪@nehamamsarmy‬
JEE MAINS questions practice

1. ‪@MotionNVSir‬by RRD Sir
Organic chemistry & Physical chemistry
   • Isomerism by Ram Ratan dwivedi (RRD) ...  

2. ‪@IITianexplains‬MKA Sir
Organic chemistry

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