Which churches are true/false churches? - KingdomCraft

Описание к видео Which churches are true/false churches? - KingdomCraft

Churches that are explicitly heretical (false Churches)
Mormon: 3:59
Jehovah's Witnesse 4:52
Oneness Pentecostal: 5:09
Christian Scientist: 6:13
Unitarian Universalist: 6:46

Churches that are doubtful, or on the fence, but not definitively heretical
Church of Christ: 8:18
Seventh-Day Adventist: 10:23
Assyrian Church of the East: 12:01
Many that are Non-Denominational: 15:47

All the music is my own, and of my composition.

Wanna find a solid Church? Check one of these two maps:

Moderate mainline churches:

Historic Protestant churches:


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