Israelite Kids Korner| Train Up A Child

Описание к видео Israelite Kids Korner| Train Up A Child

This lesson, will go over suicide, murder, drunkenness, fornication, bullying, emotions and homosexuality according to the Bible.
Ecclesiasticus 30:9 Cocker thy childe, and hee shall make thee afraid: play with him, and he will bring thee to heauinesse.
Ecclesiasticus 30:11 Giue him no liberty in his youth, and winke not at his follies.
Ecclesiasticus 30:12 Bow downe his necke while hee is young, and beate him on the sides while he is a childe, lest hee waxe stubborne, and be disobedient vnto thee, and so bring sorrow to thine heart.
Ecclesiasticus 30:13 Chastise thy sonne, and hold him to labour, lest his lewd behauiour be an offence vnto thee.
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