Chasing Waterfalls at Bakun • Pattan - Mangta - Tekip | A Travel Video Blog

Описание к видео Chasing Waterfalls at Bakun • Pattan - Mangta - Tekip | A Travel Video Blog

This video and this travel to Bakun was taken last October 2019. After days of continuous rain in Baguio, we felt the need to breathe. We searched online, planned where to escape. And we remembered Bakun. Clips and snaps of its beauty passed by our newsfeed then. And so we told ourselves,
“Take me there”.

We searched for d-i-y vlogs and blogs, tour providers and tour packages, itineraries too but only a few were promising. And luckily, we stumbled upon a page we have liked a few years ago organizing a trip going there, The Cordilleran Sun.
It was a hike for a cause and proceeds of the event will go to Indaoac Elementary School in Tabaan, Tuba, that was unfortunately burned to the ground a few weeks ago then.

Without second thoughts, we messaged Manung Daniel, asking if there are still available slots. There were. And so, we availed two slots.
Our assembly is set at 1:00 am. It was already midnight then and for me, I still don’t know what to pack. Should I prep for the hike or for the swim? I did not know isu nga we just met the team with my flip flops on.
We endured a five-hour yugyugan ride. Unfortunately, it was so dark ta isu nga topload isn’t a good idea. At around 6:30 in the morning, we reached Barangay Poblacion. We had a brief orientation, signing of waivers, shared smiles and nods with the locals. And then, off we go to the start of the trek.
First destination was Pattan Falls, and then a knee-grinding downhill trek to Mangta Falls where you can swim to respark your weary spirit. Thereafter is a test of your ‘butuys’ (legs) as you need to challenge yourself in the ascending hike going back to camp for lunch.
I brought Manung Ud’s chilli sauce called ‘Lukdit’ tapnu adi quality jay lunch. And after eating and resting, we prepared for a 30-minute trek heading to our last stop, Tekip Falls. Tapos after that, subli jay kampo and prep for departure.
Amin mayat 😆, no words can completely describe the feeling, the nature rush, the mellifluous song of the birds and trees.
Take yourself there.


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