Return to Castle Wolfenstein 3.1 FOREST COMPOUND, Colt M1911A + 2 Snipers passed (Silent Assassin)

Описание к видео Return to Castle Wolfenstein 3.1 FOREST COMPOUND, Colt M1911A + 2 Snipers passed (Silent Assassin)

Description [ENGLISH]:
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (RTCW), Mission 3, Part 1 FOREST COMPOUND (The hardest route) Get Colt M1911A + 2 Tower Snipers passed [Tunnel and Exit]

Forest stealth mission but the hardest route and rules. Walkthrough like the "Hitman Blood Money" videogame style as much as possible (rating: "Silent Assassin").
Rules and requests for this walkthrough are too hard:
Got a Colt M1911A near the lake without killing them [Asked by Winkler_B_Rudolf_1911];
Tunnel sniper with alert switch passed without killing him [Asked by Winkler_B_Rudolf_1911];
Kill only those guards who can not be avoided;
Secret Zone (SZ) discovered;
You must not allow guards to shoot;
You can't let anyone notice you;
Walked to the exit without killing the last sniper;
No Saves during level!;
Game Skill Level: I am Death inkarnate.
Used Weapons:
4 kills only: OSA M1S Snooper Rifle (1), Sten (3)

00:00 - Start
02:01 - Colt M1911A
02:55 - First tower sniper
03:26 - Second tower sniper
04:09 - Sniper is confused by shot to the roof. He won't look to the tunnel side
04:30 - Proof
05:14 - Killing soldier and his boss near the third tower
05:50 - Killing the third tower sniper
06:02 - Getting OSA M1S Snooper
06:32 - Killing camp door patrolling guard
07:01 - A mandatory shot in the air in order to attract the attention of the German official located on the second floor. After this, he will turn in the direction of the shot. This was necessary so that he would not look towards the transformers.
07:38 - Mouser Sniper Scope
07:51 - The fourth and last tower sniper. Eagle-eye guy
08:11 - Secret Zone
09:27 - Hiding from the all-seeing fourth sniper behind the transformers
09:46 - Mafia
10:15 - Exit

Description [DEUTSCH]:
Wald-Stealth-Mission, aber die schwierigste Route und die schwierigsten Regeln. Komplettlösung im Videospiel-Stil von Hitman Blood Money weitestgehend (Bewertung: „Silent Assassin“).
Regeln und Anforderungen an diese exemplarische Vorgehensweise sind zu schwierig:
Habe einen Colt M1911A in der Nähe des Sees erwischt, ohne ihn zu töten [Gefragt von Winkler_B_Rudolf_1911];
Tonnel-Scharfschütze mit Alarmschalter passierte, ohne ihn zu töten [Gefragt von Winkler_B_Rudolf_1911];
Töte nur die Wachen, denen du nicht ausweichen kannst;
Geheimzone (SZ) entdeckt;
Sie dürfen nicht zulassen, dass Wachen schießen;
Du darfst nicht zulassen, dass dich jemand bemerkt;
Zum Ausgang gegangen, ohne den letzten Scharfschützen zu töten;
Keine Speicherungen während des Levels!;
Spielfähigkeitsstufe: Ich bin der fleischgewordene Tod.
Gebrauchte Waffen:
Nur 4 Kills: OSA M1S Snooper Rifle (1), Sten (3)

All stealth walkthroughs from this game:
Return to Castle Wolfenstein (RTCW) Mission 3, Part 1 Forest Compound (Silent Assassin)
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Return to Castle Wolfenstein 3.1 FOREST COMPOUND, Colt M1911A + 2 Snipers passed (Silent Assassin)
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Return to Castle Wolfenstein (RTCW) Mission 6, Part 2 (Paderborn Village, Silent Assassin)
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