Black and White Paper Reversal - getting some nice results now!

Описание к видео Black and White Paper Reversal - getting some nice results now!

Breaking News! You CAN control the contrast!

Yep, you heard it right, after six outings with this process I think I have nailed a foolproof way of making this process work - when I get my math right of course. And that is by no means a given.

So, there are a few shoots here and a few darkroom sessions. First shoot I established that at this time of year in the UK, rating the paper at about ISO 1.8, ie rate it at ISO 2 and add a bit, gets the exposure right. I also established that for some weird reason, yellow filters absolutely sap the image of any light.

Then in the darkroom we established that developing to completion in the second bath works just fine, no need to monitor things.

Second shoot I confirmed the ISO 1.8 ish assertion, and also established that even adding 3.5 stops of exposure still doesn't get the yellow filter to make a decent image. But I also established that the combo of a yellow filter and a graduated ND on the sky could be a winner.

Next shoot I did loads of exposures with the yellow filters, and can confirm that you're looking for about +4 on the exposure when using a yellow.

And in the fourth and final shoot for this video I established that I am an idiot.

So there we go, all in all a good couple of weeks' work I'd say.

What do you think? Are you ready to head out and try for yourself??

You can now get the black and white paper reversal kit from:

I'm told that Bellini's stockists will soon have it in stock as well. Check the Bellini website here for your nearest stockist:


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