Tutorial: The Basics of One-handed Quad Kite Flying

Описание к видео Tutorial: The Basics of One-handed Quad Kite Flying

It’s been quite some time since I published my latest tutorial, but here we go again. The basics of one-handed quad kite flying!
I made my previous tutorial more than a year ago, so I thought it was time to dust off the GoPro and do some more. This time a fun approach to kite flying:

One-handed quad kite flying!

Is this a required skill you might ask? Well, definitely not, but I must admit it’s fun flying that quad kite using only one hand!

Yes, I know I’m a bit of a kite nerd, but I really like the concept of one-handed flying, so I thought why not make a few tutorials. Maybe others will find it fun too!

So here is the first one, the basics of one-handed quad kite flying. Check it out, grab your quads, hit the field, practice and have fun!


Make sure to keep an eye on the AERIALIS Kites website!

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