【2035 E-Mobility Taiwan】Live Tour-LITEON

Описание к видео 【2035 E-Mobility Taiwan】Live Tour-LITEON

Founded in 1975, and being the first listed electronics company in Taiwan, LITEON is a world-leading provider in optoelectronic components and key electronic modules. In recent years, with its actively deployment in the fields of cloud computing, automotive electronics, 5G, AIoT, optoelectronics, etc., cultivation of smart industries, coupled with development of new business opportunities and products required for smart life and smart cities, LITEON continues to use its professionalism, rich industrial experience, high-quality products and services, and global operations bases, and become the preferred best partner of global customers for developing innovation and application of smart technology.

2035 E-Mobility Taiwan is from October 20 to 22, 2021 at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 2 (TaiNEX 2). It is the best platform for business matching in the EVs and autonomous driving car ecosystem. This year, we have also launched the online edition to explore more business opportunities 24/7 from October 20 to November 20.

Visit 2035 E-Mobility Taiwan!
  / emobilitytaiwan  

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