Enter The Vlad

Описание к видео Enter The Vlad

"Enter The Vlad"

Backstory: In 2010 Andy Long came to visit the U.S.A. with intentions of meeting and filming with the Indie Action Community. Andy spent 3 weeks with me. During that time, we shot a short film that referenced a lot of my work pre-2010. A week before we started filming this short, I dislocated my right shoulder on another shoot. I'm not sure why it took 8 years to release this project, but I'm glad it finally made its way online. Hell yeah Andy!

Andy Long
Vlad Rimburg
Ed Kahana
Ray Carbonel
Ken Quitogua
Dennis Ruel
Brendon Huor
Donald Mills
Seth Austin
Troy Carbonel
Nikita Lorenz

Fight Choreography:
Vlad Rimburg
Andy Long

Vlad Rimburg
Dennis Ruel

Directed & Edited by:
Vlad Rimburg

Thank you for watching.


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