麻辣鲜香的黄飞红花生 | 酒鬼花生 | 跟我学零失败|香辣花生的做法

Описание к видео 麻辣鲜香的黄飞红花生 | 酒鬼花生 | 跟我学零失败|香辣花生的做法


#黄飞红花生# #酒鬼花生# #麻辣花生# #下酒花生#

   / @糖糖小屋  


花生米 500克 Peanut 500g (大颗的,剥皮之后是白色的花生)
干辣椒 30克 Dried Pepper 30g
花椒 10克 Sichuan Pepper 10g
八角 2颗 Anise 2 pieces
桂皮 2片 Cinnamon 2 pieces
盐 4tsp Salt 4tsp
糖 1tsp Sugar 1tsp
辣椒粉 1tsp Spicy pepper powder 1tsp
花椒粉 1tsp Sichuan pepper powder 1tsp
五香粉 1/2tsp Five spices powder 1/2tsp


1. 用凉水把花生浸泡30分钟
2. 给泡好的花生米脱皮,掰成两半
3. 花生米冷水入锅,水量没过花生即可。加入盐 3tsp,干辣椒15克,花椒5克,八角,桂皮
4. 煮开后转中小火煮十分钟。
5. 捞出花生沥干水分,用厨房纸擦干,放凉。放入冰箱冷冻3个小时或以上。
6. 冻过的花生米冷油入锅,油量刚好没过花生米即可。用中火炸,过程中不停轻轻搅拌,这一步需要时间略长,请保持充分耐心。炸到花生表面略微出现金黄色的时候捞出。
7. 锅内留少许底油,保持中火,放入切细丝的干辣椒15克,花椒5克,炒出香味,加入炸好的花生,再加入辣椒粉,花椒粉,五香粉,糖,盐,翻炒2分钟,出锅。绝对香气四溢!
1. Use tap water to soak peanuts for 30 minutes.
2. Separate the peanut to half
3. Put the peanut in a pot, add water, 3tsp salt, dried pepper, sichuan pepper, anise and cinnamon.
4. Boil the water and then simmer for 10 minutes.
5. Take out the peanuts, dry with paper towel and let it cool down. Then put it in the freezer for 3 hours or more.
6. Pul cooking oil in a large pot. add frozon peanut, deep fry using small to medimum heat, stir when necessary. Be patient, it will take some time. Take out the peanut when the peanuts turn golden color.
7. Leave a little oil in the pot, keep medium heat, put in sliced dried pepper, sichuan pepper, stir fry until you smell the flavour, then pour in the peanuts, add the rest spicy pepper powder, sichuan pepper powder, five spice powder, suger, salt, stir fry for 2 minutes. And enjoy!

Music credit:
  / fredjimusic  
  / fredjimusic   Music promoted by Audio Library    • Happy Life – FREDJI (No Copyright Music)  


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