Sunscreen Showdown | WATCH BEFORE YOU BUY ⚠️ SPF50 Sun Sticks by

Описание к видео Sunscreen Showdown | WATCH BEFORE YOU BUY ⚠️ SPF50 Sun Sticks by

For a year, I literally thought I was purchasing the same Neutrogena spf stick just with different packaging colors. Turns out there are at least 3 different formulas...and possibly others I have yet to discover. I hope this video helps someone make the right purchase.
#spf50 #neutrogenasunscreen #mineralsunscreen

My skin type: combination
Climate I live in: humid

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The following is an Amazon affliate link which means I make a very small comission (at NO cost to YOU) when you purchase through my link. Thanks for helping to support my channel.
💛 Neutrogena Beach Defense SPF50 Stick:
💛 Neutrogena Sheer Zinc Spf50 Stick: Found in Store
💛 Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch Spf50 Stick:

Email me: [email protected]


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