Ancient Stone Mysteries of New England

Описание к видео Ancient Stone Mysteries of New England

Stone Chambers. Effigy Works. Stone Rows. Perched Boulders. Stone Cairns... Mysterious Ancient Stone Works hide in plain sight all across New England. Join author, researcher and chronicler Mike Luoma for an introduction to some of New England's most famous stone chambers - and one that remains UNKNOWN to most folks! Colonial root cellars? Chimney supports? Ice houses? Perhaps Pre-Columbian European constructs? Or Native American in Origin? Something Else?

Explore the mysteries and the chambers, including the Calendar One, Calendar Two and Eagle Chambers in Vermont, and The Upton and Nashoba Brook Chambers in Massachusetts. AND one special hidden chamber in a SECRET LOCATION! This may be an introduction, but Mike doesn't dumb things down - this quick but in-depth education on New England's Stone Chambers - and brief tour - packs a LOT into just over fifteen minutes.

Mike Luoma is a Vermont-based author and researcher with a strong DIY ethic and an independent streak. A journalist by training and a generalist by choice, Luoma enjoys following intellectual inspirations down research rabbit holes in his never-ending pursuit of knowledge and lifelong learning. He shoots his own footage, writes the script, narrates, does his own editing, and enjoys producing work DIY, though he occasionally gets freaked out a little bit by the fact he has to write stuff like this in the third person.

A student of history, storytelling, philosophy, religion and politics, in unraveling the ancient stone mysteries of New England, Luoma has been fascinated to discover how intimately each is a part of the story of the stones. What began as personal learning turned into videos and facebook groups almost as an afterthought and accident, when he found himself compelled to share some of the new experiences he was having -- the old inner journalist never dies. And the reception was a clamor from folks wanting to know more. This video is a part of his continuing response.

The Music is by Kevin MacLeod. He graciously lets folks use his music for independent video productions, so long as you're told where the music came from, who wrote it, and how it's licensed. Thus, you heard:

Crowd Hammer by Kevin MacLeod

Silver Flame by Kevin MacLeod


The Sky of our Ancestors by Kevin MacLeod


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