HLX is NOT Half-Life 3… or is it?

Описание к видео HLX is NOT Half-Life 3… or is it?

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Credits:‪@gabe.follower‬ and ‪@TylerMcVicker1‬ for leading the charge on getting this info to us.

Footage of:

Other footage:
Entropy: Zero 2
Black Mesa
Trek to Borealis by ‪@ethosaur‬ found in "Epistle3Ville"
Back To The Future trailer
Avengers: Endgame

Music from all kinds of Valve Games
Entropy: Zero 2 Soundtrack by Spencer Baggett
Infinite Finality Soundtrack by MacDrown

Images of:
Colette Green fan art: Zombie_Trotsky on Depribooru
Episode 3 title cover: CruelRuins on DeviantArt

No footage in this video is confirmed to be of HLX, and most of it is just of fan creations. The top left corner will always state where the used footage comes from.

Also, Project Borealis, Boreal Alyph and Infinite Finality are all Episode 3 or Epistle 3 projects, not "HL3". It's kinda silly for me to call them HL3 projects after I spent like 4 minutes explaining the difference between Episode 3 and Half-Life 3 lmao

Gordon Freeman image on thumbnail made by: https://www.artstation.com/littleredz...

Time stamps:
0:00 Intro & What we know
2:53 Deckard Prototype Scenario
6:18 What does HLA sequel mean?
8:17 Prequel Scenario
10:46 What Sequel means
12:27 Episode 3 Scenario
12:40 Half-Life 3 Scenario
13:34 Episode 4 Scenario
14:03 What I think


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