Growlink: Fertigation Controller Walkthrough

Описание к видео Growlink: Fertigation Controller Walkthrough

The Growlink fertigation controller is the easiest to use, most powerful fertigation system designed to work with Etatron Injectors for both batch tank and direct feed applications.

Is Adding Fertigation to Your Growing Mix Right for You?

AgTech is revolutionizing the way crops are grown the world over, both in indoor and traditional environments. The ability to control environmental factors and agricultural processes with extreme precision leads to better crop yields, better resource management, lower costs, and improved environmental conditions. As a result, more and more growers are embracing automation in their operations. One precision technology that has become extremely popular across a wide variety of crop types is fertigation – the synthesis of fertilization and irrigation.

What is Fertigation?

Fertigation is the process of automatically injecting fertilizer or other water-soluble products directly into an irrigation system in order to deliver the exact amount of fertilizer necessary to treat nutrient deficiencies in a crop.

Fertigation has been in use as a precision agriculture technique for a long time in high-value crops ranging from fruits and vegetables to wheat. In recent years it’s enjoyed growing popularity among cannabis growers thanks to the many benefits it offers when scaling crops at a commercial level in controlled environments.

The primary benefit of fertigation is the ability to reduce costs and improve yields in large-scale grow operations by carefully administering ideal amounts of fertilizer, both reducing fertilizer waste and ensuring plants are safe from the issues that come from overfertilization or nutrient deficiencies.

However, like most AgTech, the cost and additional complexity of fertigation require growers to assess the suitability of installing and managing the technology based on their growing medium and the scale of their operation.

Is Fertigation the Right Choice?

Fertigation is extremely popular in precision and indoor agriculture, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s right for every application. There is a large list of pros to installing a fertigation system, impacting both a grower’s bottom line and the quality of their crops, but there are also some cons to be considered as well.

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