Christ Consciousness Activation: Merge with the Beloved / Light Language & Energy Healing

Описание к видео Christ Consciousness Activation: Merge with the Beloved / Light Language & Energy Healing

Hi Everyone,

Here is a channeled light language healing and activation that has come through me to awaken the field of Christ Consciousness. In this healing, we heal through the layers of the body to merge with the beloved and awaken Christ Consciousness, the divine field within.

Listen to this as many times as you feel called to as you allow your fields to calibrate to your essence. You are the Christ, you are the One and God is inside. Always remember that and feel the love and compassion envelop you.

This is a special healing to me, as the intention is individual and collective healing, as you take part you are assisting more souls than you know. Your participation is a blessing to those that may never see this video.

I hope this serves you and as always I love to hear your experiences

My monthly healing circle is beginning in January, the theme is Aligning our Desires with the Truth of our Soul. You can find more information here

If you would like to work with me personally, follow the links below

IG: connor_creating.with.light

Have a wonderful journey,


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