Using the bathymetric editor

Описание к видео Using the bathymetric editor

How to use the upgraded editor, thoroughly explained!


00:10 Introduction
01:10 Multiple files, and fixing bad records
02:18 Selecting multiple files in the editor
03:00 Merging many files into one (also removes 0-values from your file)
03:35 New ability: Clicking away bad recordings to fix faulty maps
05:00 New ability: Choosing your preferred color scale
05:50 Using simple File management inside the editor
07:40 New ability: File name field has auto filter for existing files
07:46 Playing around with color scales
08:40 New ability: Working with shaded relief maps
12:03 Drawing your shorelines
14:25 New ability: Default high quality (non-blurry shorelines)
14:45 Making maps to share with others (Google Earth compatible)
15:53 Selecting a map instantly moves the map area to show you your depth map
16:15 Updates for the live mapping (color scale, auto filter existing files, showing the green trail or not)
17:55 Finishing live mapping, direct post prosessing of the result in the editor

The batrymetric abilities requires you to subscribe to Carp Pilot Pro premium features. For users of bait boats from Alien Baitboat and from DHconcepts these features are "all included" using their dedicated app versions.

The ability to make depth maps live requires either a built in autopilot (ArduRover), a wifi GPS (see separate video) or a wifi echosounder with ability to share depth data and position using NMEA0183 (most new Deeper models, multiple models from Lowrance, SIMRAD). If the echosounder has no wifi and only offers NMEA0183 out from a wired connection then a solution using an ESP (similar to the wifi GPS video) in combination with a wifi booster will do the trick.

The upgraded bathymetric editor was introduced and demonstrated at the Alien Baitboat stand in big carp fishing exhibition "Carp den Bosch" January 20-22nd. And it is hands down the best solution available at the moment for bait boat users that are interested in creating depth maps of their waters in an efficient manner: When you arrive on the bank, let the boat map your swim automatically (autopilot users) while you errect the bivvy and put together the rods. When you are done the map is available for you, then start to make a plan.

While live mapping is great, this video's focus is on what you do in the bivvy with the result afterwards. Using the editor you can draw shorelines for waters edge, and islands when they are present. The new version 4.4 introduced in den Bosch also includes the ability to generate "shaded relief" maps. Such maps are pseudo 3D, the visual 3D effect is created by "shining an artificial sun at the waters contours". Shadows will be cast behind big rocks and ridges. You may need to try out some alternatives, some waters are more difficult while others come out perfectly on the first try. Like demonstrated in the video. So just play around until you are satisfied!



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