WJ STUDIO 万境设计| Yuyao Minglu Clubhouse 余姚明庐会所

Описание к видео WJ STUDIO 万境设计| Yuyao Minglu Clubhouse 余姚明庐会所

The project is located in Yuyao, Zhejiang province, bordered by Houqing River to the northand the former residence of WangYangming (the leading figure of the Neo-Confucian Schoolofmind) tothesouth, and adjacent to the Wusheng Gate historic and cultural zone,the birth place of the Yaojiang School(Yangming School of Mind) and the Zhedong School (Eastern Zhejiang School).

As a venue for branded events and reception, this project has multiple functions. The designer has abandoned elaborate decoration and focused more on the experiential quality of the interior space itself by transforming the traditional Chinese woodwork with a modern language and creating a space filled with diverse elements.

项目地点 Location:余姚市 Yuyao
竣工时间 Completed:2021
项目类型 Type:会所 Clubhouse
项目面积 Area:360m2
业主 Owner:余姚开投蓝城投资开发有限公司 Yuyao Development & Investment - Bluetown Development & Investment Co., Ltd.
设计单位 Design Company:万境设计 WJ STUDIO
主创设计 Design director:胡之乐 Zhile Hu
设计团队 Team:金旻Min Jin, 郑洁Jie Zheng, 朱陈韶华Shaohua Zhuchen, 刘淑贤Shuxian Liu, 杨丽莲Lilian Yang, 林润泽 Runze Lin 灯光设计 Lighting Design:方方 Fang fang, 易宗辉 Zonghui Yi
摄影 Photographer:郑焰 Yan Zheng
视频 Video:花生工作室 Huasheng Studio


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