ITIL 4 Service Lifecycle | An Overview of ITIL Service Lifecycle in 15 minutes | Invensis Learning

Описание к видео ITIL 4 Service Lifecycle | An Overview of ITIL Service Lifecycle in 15 minutes | Invensis Learning

This Invensis Learning video on "ITIL 4 Service Lifecycle" will firstly explain what exactly is ITIL Service Lifecycle. Then discuss the various phases in the ITIL Service Lifecycle. Following are the topics covered in the video "ITIL 4 Service Lifecycle":

Following are the outline of the video:
00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:20 - What is ITIL Service Lifecycle?
00:02:30 - ITIL Service Strategy
00:04:49 - ITIL Service Design
00:06:38 - ITIL Service Transition
00:08:53 - ITIL Service Operation
00:11:28 - ITIL Continual Service Improvement

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