Sphere's of Influence in China

Описание к видео Sphere's of Influence in China

This is another movie I made for my world studies class (It's kind of boring):

In 1860, Russia takes possesion of a large stretch of china's nothern
In 1894, Japan helps Korea gain its independance and also gains
Taiwan as well as some of western china.
Then, over time, Russia, Britan, France, and Germany all recieve spheres
of influence over certain areas.
The British took the Chang River valley, the french gained terrotory near
Indochina, and germany and russia gained territory in northern china.

Though the United States did not partake in the carving up of China,
it demanded equal commercial trading rights because it feared that
european powers might shut out american merchants.

Then in 1898, John Hay proposed the open door policy which called for
the establishment of equal trading rights to all nations in all parts of China
and for recognition of Chinese territorial integrity

And the open door policy kept foreign powers from carving up china into



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