Maria Teresa Agnesi (1720-1795) - Concerto per il cembalo

Описание к видео Maria Teresa Agnesi (1720-1795) - Concerto per il cembalo

Autor: Maria Teresa Agnesi (1720-1795)
Obra: Concerto per il cembalo
Intèrprets: Barbara Petrucci (cembalo); Il Quartettone

Pintura: Antoni Viladomat (1678-1755) - Tardor (c.1735)



Maria Teresa Agnesi [Pinottini]
(Milan, 17 October 1720 - Milan, 19 January 1795)

Italian composer and keyboardist. As a girl she performed in her home while her elder sister Maria Gaetana (1718-1799) became a distinguished mathematician lectured and debated in Latin. Little is known about her early training, although her cantata Il restauro d’Arcadia was produced at the Teatro Ducale in Milan in 1747, followed in 1751 by her opera Sofonisba. Further stage works were produced, expanding her reputation as a composer throughout Lombardy. In June 1752 she married Pietro Pinottini, and her fortunes declined thereafter. At her death, she was in pecuniary difficulties. Her instrumental music demonstrates an affinity with the prevailing early Classical Empfindsamkeit, while her stage works are all in the manner of opera seria. Her works include at least six operas or serenatas, four concertos for keyboard, two fantasias, and several keyboard sonatas, in addition to a few miscellaneous works.


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