Ch. 3.1 onTapGesture and Buttons with systemName icon labels - Building Big the Guy UI in SwiftUI

Описание к видео Ch. 3.1 onTapGesture and Buttons with systemName icon labels - Building Big the Guy UI in SwiftUI

We'll build the Bip the Guy app's User Interface using Swift and SwiftUI, and we'll learn how to use the Label modifier with a systemIcon inside a Button, plus the onTapGesture modifier to play a sound when the image is tapped.
Part of a university course by Prof. John Gallaugher designed for the absolute beginner, where students will learn to program using Swift + SwiftUI. The course will move from no assumed prior programming experience while students learn fundamental, then intermediate and advanced concepts, culminating in a full stack app. Full free course playlist at:

This course will roughly mirror the content covered in my UIKit course at Subscribe - many more videos coming soon!


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