Lâches vacanciers

Описание к видео Lâches vacanciers

Un coup de gueule sur un évènement qui revient tout les étés.
L'abandon des animaux de compagnie au moment des vacances.
Trop de chiens et les chats qui nous accompagnent toute l'année, finissent attachés à un arbre ou au bord de la route, avec pour seul avenir la mort.
A rant about an event that comes back every summer.
Abandoning pets during vacations.
Too many dogs and cats who accompany us all year round end up tied to a tree or on the side of the road, with the only future being death.
Performer : Thierry Nisse
Auteur : Veronique Seruch
Compo / Arrangements/ Mixe : Thierry Nisse

Cowardly vacationers :
Well Tied Ugly or Cute
Big or small every summer
We find many companions
Dumped for their loyalty
By crime of existence
These obstacles of too much love
Will die for the holidays
Masters of no return
Cowardly are some vacationers
Who for the sake of freedom
Leave in August and July
Their unloved animals
Heartless cowardly wretches
Where has your honor gone?
Every year always the same
Who as pitiful humans
Commit abject blasphemy
To sacrifice their cats and dogs
They don't care about tears
What torn hearts pour out
Of these loyal friends only a tragedy
Leave alone on the bottom side
Cowardly are some vacationers
Who for the sake of freedom
Leave in August and July
Their unloved animals
Heartless cowardly wretches
Where has your honor gone?
Poor pathetic vacationers
Who sacrifice for a stay
All these wonderful beings
Who only had love for them
Shame on you, you heinous criminals
For that bitter-tasting tan
Your cruel tourist pride
Is Palme of the blood shed yesterday


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