Updating ESP32 MARAUDER to V 1.1.0

Описание к видео Updating ESP32 MARAUDER to V 1.1.0

Now it can detect pwnagotchi, flipper zero, Apple airtag, etc with this ver.1.1.0.

The ESP32 Marauder is a device designed to test and explore the security of Wi-Fi networks. This device utilizes the powerful ESP32 microcontroller to perform a wide variety of actions.

Important to remember:

Responsible use: Use of the ESP32 Marauder must be done with proper permission and only for educational or private network testing purposes.
Ethics: Do not misuse this device to disrupt or damage other people's networks.

Codes / Firmware link:


Schematics link:


Want to know more?

GitHub: https://github.com/justcallmekoko/ESP...
Wiki: https://github.com/justcallmekoko/ESP...

#ESP32MARAUDER #justcallmekoko #wifisecurity #wifiattack


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