Basic Japanese Verbs - Present Tense conjugation (Lesson Part 1/2)

Описание к видео Basic Japanese Verbs - Present Tense conjugation (Lesson Part 1/2)

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Learn your first Japanese verbs and how to conjugate them in the present tense with Nihongo Kansha!

This video covers the "masu" form of Japanese verbs. It is also called polite form.

Japanese verbs may be separated into 3 categories:
1) ru verbs
2) u verbs
3) irregular verbs

You can use the "masu" form to convey:
1) A habit
2) A future action (I will . . .)

This video covers the following verbs:
(ru verbs)
食べる (たべる) to eat
寝る (ねる) to sleep
起きる (おきる) to get up
見る (みる) to see

(u verbs)
飲む (のむ) to drink
読む (よむ) to read
話す (はなす) to speak
聞く (きく) to listen (hear)
行く (いく) to go
帰る (かえる) to go back (return)

(irregular verbs)
する to do & くる to come
勉強する (べんきょうする) to study

As a reference, I suggest the textbook Genki I: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese, by Eri Banno et al:


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