Stanford Webinar: The Pursuit of Sustainability

Описание к видео Stanford Webinar: The Pursuit of Sustainability

A Stanford Webinar presented by the Stanford Leadership for Sustainability Program:
"The Pursuit of Sustainability
Speaker: Pam Matson, Stanford University

Sustainability as a business strategy is at the forefront of effective leadership for the 21st century—and it means much more than being “green.” It is about developing systems and processes that not only make your business resilient and successful, but enable the world’s population to thrive, now and for generations to come.

This mandate can be a daunting challenge to take on for any company. But joining the avant garde of change leadership does not have to be as risky to current business as it may seem. In this webinar, Stanford’s Pam Matson will explore how you can include sustainability in your business goals and ultimately increase your organization’s global impact.

You Will Learn:

-Current challenges to our progress in creating sustainable businesses
-Ways to consider intergenerational well-being as a viable strategic goal
-Tools and techniques for incorporating sustainability into your strategy

About the Speaker:
Pamela Matson is Chester Naramore Dean of the School of Earth Sciences as well as an internationally recognized interdisciplinary Earth scientist, academic leader and organizational strategist. Her research focuses on the consequences of agricultural intensification, land use change, and nitrogen deposition for ecosystems and the atmosphere, and on sustainable development issues in developing regions. Working mostly in the tropics, she and her colleagues have identified the negative consequences of deforestation and intensive agriculture for the global and local atmosphere, freshwater, and marine systems, and are working to develop new approaches that reduce those impacts while maintaining human livelihoods and well-being. She also works on the vulnerability of food and water systems to climate change.


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