iSafe Visual 3 - Brown & Lime Complete With Bumper Bar And BootCover

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iSafe Visual 3 - Brown & Lime Complete With Bumper Bar And BootCover
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The iSafe Visual 3 is a contemporary new design, built to suit the busy parents needs. iSafe is one of the smallest lightest and most practical strollers. It has some very unique features that makes the Visual 3 one of the finest stroller in its class. All wrapped up with its beautiful looks and high built quality that makes the Visual 3 a much desirable and highly rated Baby Stroller by many many parents. Why iSafe? Because its well built and has some very unique features. Reclines completely flat, Easy push pull multi reclining positions, Very comfortable seat unit for new born or toddler highly padded and wide, Wide seat area padded), Wide backrest area, 5 Point harness ( fully padded), Fully covered on the side and back to protect baby from the elements, It has a large hood and extra drop down hood, The hood is securely attached to each bar on the side it has a zip on each side that attaches to the frame firmly, to protect the Baby from the elements Usage: Ideal for busy parents., Ideal for short trips, Fantastic for holidays ( will fit in a Suitcase*), Will fit in the smallest Car boot Complete with: Boot Cover, Bumper Bar and Shopping Basket Suitability: Suitable From Birth To Approx 15kg, Shopping Basket Max Weight 3kg, Total combined weight must not exceed 17 kg Dimensions: iSafe Visual 3 has a unique free standing feature Folded: 75cm x 36cm x 34cm Handle height: 107 cm Wheel To Wheel width (back) 55 cm


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