(12 Dec 1999) Russian/Nat

Russian President Boris Yeltsin on Sunday reiterated the Kremlin line that the war in Chechnya was necessary to stem the wave of lawlessness in the breakaway republic.

He was speaking at a reception marking Constitution Day at the Kremlin Palace, attended by leading politicians and dignatories.

Six years ago Russian adopted a new constitution, the document which was to consolidate all the democratic forces of the country.

It's been a busy day for Russian politicians.

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Sunday met the leaders of Russia's main political parties to discuss the war in Chechnya and the final stages of the campaign for parliamentary elections next week.

Putin sat down with Gennady Zyuganov, Sergei Shoigu, Yevgeny Primakov, Grigory Yavlinsky, Sergei Kiriyenko, Viktor Chernomyrdin, and Vladimir Zhirinovsky, all of whom also attended the Constitution Day lunch at the Kremlin.

Putin spokesman Mikhail Kozhukhov told the Interfax news agency that all parties expressed their support of the government's operations in the North Caucasus, although some of them criticised approaches taken to the Chechen problem.

But in his Constitution Day speech, President Boris Yeltsin took a hard line.

SOUNDBITE: (Russian)
"The duty of those in power is to defend the constitution, that's why it is our obligation to stop lawlessness taking place in Chechnya. The bandits and terrorists kept in fear the whole nation under the slogans of national-religious independence, trying to resurrect the "wild middle ages". That's why it is our duty to protect Russian citizens and restore order and law in this territory".
SUPER CAPTION: Boris Yeltsin, Russian President

He said there was a willingness to consider improvements in the Constitution, but that it was the Constitution that put roadblocks in the way of unscrupulous politicians and extremists.

Yeltsin noted that the Constitution was the foundation of the political and economic system, human rights and freedoms.

He went on to welcome new members of the Russian Constitutional Court, and praised the court for performing its judicial duty, without getting involved in political debates.

Concluding his speech, Yeltsin toasted Russian Constitution Day.

SOUNDBITE: (Russian)
"Peace and order on our soil. Prestige and dignity of our great power".
SUPER CAPTION: Boris Yeltsin, Russian President

After his speech, Yeltsin mingled with the cream of Russian society.

At the gathering, he said he was confident the up-coming elections would be free and democratic.

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