Дурной вкус - Не уходи / Durnoy vkus - Ne uhodi | English translation, rus lyrics+transcript

Описание к видео Дурной вкус - Не уходи / Durnoy vkus - Ne uhodi | English translation, rus lyrics+transcript

English translation of the song Дурной вкус - Не уходи (Durnoy vkus - Ne uhodi/Don't leave). With russian lyrics and transcript or russian lyrics.
Song and media materials don't belong to me, I only made the video.

Translation made by me, but based just a tiny bit on this one:
I made my own version of translation, how I interpet the meaning of the song.
Video made with: Vizzy.io (audio visualisation) + VSDC Free Video Editor (lyrics)

Official music video:
   • Не уходи  
Дурной вкус channel:
   / @durnoyvkuss  
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/75hHfYoo9W...
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/durnoyvkuss/

English translation:

Let's not say a word
Today I'm broken again
Stay with me and let's be quiet
I don't feel okay quite often
My head is spinning (here they use the word "колёса/kolyosa" which translates as "wheels" and is a name of a drug. but also can be a metaphor for "cogs turning")
Today I don't want to be loved

And If I can't sleep all night
Every new day is repeating itself (Groundhog Day)
I need a pill once and for all
I'm no longer looking for anything
Either losing my mind, or drowning in sorrow
I watch the clouds floating away

Just stay with me, today I'm broken again ("Побудь со мной" [Pobud' so mnoi] is literally tranlated as "spend some time with me" but its quite long)
Just don't leave me alone
If you want, let's turn on (plug in) a movie
Just please don't leave me alone

Just stay with me, today I'm broken again
Just don't leave me alone
If you want, you can say you don't care anymore
Just please don't leave me alone.

Дурной вкус - Не уходи, Durno vkus - Ne uhodi, Дурной вкус - не уходи (текст песни), Дурной вкус не уходи на английском, Дурной вкус не уходи english translation, durnoy vkus in english, durnoy vkus ne uhodi english lyrics, durnoy vkus - ne uhody lyrics


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