Body Harvest any% in

Описание к видео Body Harvest any% in

Had some pretty bad luck here with the exception of a certain mutant related trick in America 1. Here is
level by level breakdown.

Greece: This was actually pretty good. Its possible to still save another 5-10 seconds here though.

Java: Java 2 is the first of 2 places here where I was left with like 0.1% health. Grenade skip and Java 2 proc were both very good. The health ran away from me on storm skip and it resulted in me going into the tower with really poor health but I almost pulled off the fast tower kill anyway I just didn't get max damage on the front cannon from the missile (they can 1 shot the pods)

America: Lost 22 seconds to slow second America 1 jump and 10 total to doomsdays and the boss but my goodness that was an amazing Early Mutant. It is fully possible to get sub 9:15 America with the strats I used and doing an even more RNG heavy version of early mutant could possibly get sub 9 but that's not something I will ever go for in any%. The reason slow second jump only loses 22 seconds is the guy I kill is in a better position and gets eaten by the harvester wave faster than he would if I got the jump optimally.

Siberia: Oh boy well I made a mistake going for the jeep after exiting the nuke plant but I may very well have been killed by the Hoveros if I tried to run for it right off the bat. This was the second time I survived with 0.1% health in this run. Really bad luck with the helicopter using the machine guns on the VTOL when I was taking off which forced me to get health at Proc 2(Im pretty sure I die to the tower if I don't do this so I believe it was the right decision) I kind of flubbed the landing at the launch code building and ended up losing a decent chunk of time to the VTOLs bad hitbox as a result. I really hate the boss of this stage and he showed why. Bad boss fight RNG lost me a ton of time(probably a minute plus) but I have practiced this guy for hours and hours and I don't think there is a sure way to get him to behave.

Comet: I pulled off the 2 Frag no save strategy in a run! The gates were a little sloppy but its not a big deal. I could still save another 10 seconds here.
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