Tomb Raider 2 Custom Level - The Demon's Eye

Описание к видео Tomb Raider 2 Custom Level - The Demon's Eye

Tomb Raider Level Editor (TRLE) - The Demon's Eye Walkthrough

Level By : Ankylostoma

The collapse of the Xian temple, after the Bartoli ritual, opened access to a set of rooms, unexplored until now, where an ancient artifact was sealed. The rare records that speak of it describe it as a true demon eye, capable of giving life to inanimate objects, statues and paintings. It was once used to create jade warrior statues to guard the shrine where the Dragon Dagger was sealed. But this power has a price: its user gradually lost reason, and its humanity. Having become irrevocably evil, the user of the Eye was in turn sealed, with the artifact, in the heart of the mountain. A delegation of monks from the Monastery was deployed to ensure that no one could get their hands on the artifact, but none returned from the depths of the Temple. The monastery then understood that the power of the Eye was escaping from the seal, and that it was necessary to act. As a last resort and despite common sense, the monks revealed to Lara - who had just saved the world from the power of the Dragon Dagger - the existence of this artifact.

As the friendly reminder claimed by the author in the page. Do not play this game if you have aracnophobia (the fear of spiders). It is true. Literally 85% of enemies in this game are.... spiders. Okay, back to the point. I am really amazed by the work of this author, who is new to the community and released his/her own debut level. As the first level I can say this one's perfect. just some jumps can be discouraged to some players. The textures, objects and enemies placement are decent. Just for the trigger placement, I hope the author can fix it cuz in some places players are able to avoid triggering them. Aside from that, a good adventure with decent playtime. 😊

Seeking List :

Level 1 - Flooding Temple 0:00
3:30 Golden Key
8:06 Automatic Pistols
8:17 Black Diamond
14:19 Black Diamond
15:16 Ruby Key
15:21 Spider Seal
16:48 Uzis
16:57 Secret #1 - Ruby Spider
18:22 Secret #2 - Amber Spider & M16
19:23 Spider Seal
22:28 Grenade Launcher
25:37 Spider Seal
29:05 Secret #3 - Emerald Spider
32:11 Spider Seal

Level 2 - The Demon's Eye 37:35
41:30 Secret #4 - Ruby Spider
42:03 Golden Key
44:00 Golden Key
46:50 Secret #5 - Emerald Spider
54:30 Secret #6 - Amber Spider
55:37 The Eye

Time to return to China for the unexplored part of the temple of Xian!

#tombraider #laracroft #trle #customlevel #temple #spider #aracnophobia #china #Barotli #demon


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