Mansa Foundation, The Saptarishis Path

Описание к видео Mansa Foundation, The Saptarishis Path

Mansa Foundation, The Saptarishis Path celebrated its 25th Anniversary on 1st February 2013. On 23rd November, there was celebration of Guruji Krishnananda’s second death anniversary. Meditators came in large numbers and light chanelling was down to the new Light Chanelling Building and e-book of Doorways was released. Guruji Krishnananda launched the Manasa Foundation as per the guidance of the Great Light Masters and his Guru – Maharishi Amara.
Guruji launched the great revolution movement of Light Channelling in 2002 for the transformation of people and to prepare them for the Light Age.
Light Channelling is a non-religious and non-political movement.
Light channel World Movement was initiated in 2008.
Light channel brings peace, Purity and Perfection in every system now reeking with corruption and violence.
Now, more than 20 lakh children of 2900 schools have started light channeling. Depth and involvement of more than 140 volunteers has made achievement in this work. Their discipline and organized approach has made this event successful. Children accept Light so easily and they have had amazing experiences. The time has come for the elders to follow their footsteps to spread Peace and Perfection on this earth.
Anyone and everyone can practice the Light Channelling Technique.
Here are experiences of school children and a Principal
Gopalakrishnan, Head Master, Veerabhadra Swami H.S., Doddagubbi, Bangalore
Manasa Foundation has been conducting Light Channeling sessions in our school since three months. These sessions are very useful to our students and also to our teachers. Our students are gaining concentration and are interested in studies. Their lazy attitude is decreasing and they are now inclined towards improving their conduct. We are practicing Light channeling daily in our school.
Samiksha Vagare, Std. X, Kalmadi High School, Pune
I used to study a lot but never used to get appropriate marks. I came to know about Light channeling and decided to try it. I practice this technique every day in the morning for 5 minutes. You may not believe but a miracle happened as in our next unit test I full marks in few of the subjects. For an average student like me, this was very surprising!
Aditya Balasaheb Bhintode, Std. VIII, Maharashtriya Mandal English Medium School, Pune
I practice this technique two times a day. I feel fresh. It has improved my concentration. I can concentrate now on whatever work I am doing in the day. It keeps my mind and body fresh and also keeps me ready and fresh for everything and any activity. It helps me to keep good thoughts.
It is very simple. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine that there is a huge globe of bright white light above you. Imagine light from the globe descends, enters and fills you up. Experience the light for a minute, then the light spreading out around you, filling up your home, your locality and then the entire earth. Spread the light for 7 minutes.
You can practice this at any time.


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