A hawker is a vendor of merchandise that can be easily transported; the term is roughly synonymous with costermonger or peddler. In most places where the term is used, a hawker sells inexpensive goods, handicrafts, or food items. Whether stationary or mobile, hawkers often advertise by loud street cries or chants, and conduct banter with customers, to attract attention and enhance sales.
When accompanied by a demonstration or detailed explanation of the product, the hawker is sometimes referred to as a demonstrator or pitchman.
Music provided by Rujay.
Instrumental: "Sinister" by Ihaksi.
Channel: / rujaytv .
The blatant poverty in Batam can be seen simply by driving along the perpetually jammed roads, You may lock eyes with sun-beaten young men and old women selling local newspapers or peddling dusty packets of snacks and trinkets. You will quickly learn not to meet their eyes, because when You did, their faces lit up, falsely assuming You wanted to buy something from them.
In 2012, Indonesia replaced India as the second-fastest-growing G-20 economy, behind China. Since then, the annual growth rate has slowed down and has fluctuated around 5% but who is the one enjoying all the wealth to themselves? Driving a fancy car along the road, while starring at a stark economic difference?
For any Tourist come from the developed world, it is hard not to stare into these locals’ faces, trying to glean what they were thinking and feeling. Aren’t they tired, walking around all day peddling their wares under a laser-hot sun? That old man pulling a wooden cart piled with gas tanks—does he feel his knees creak and his back muscles twist? Does he ever ask how much longer he must labor like this, and for what? And those toddlers playing barefoot by the sidewalk—what are their dreams, what do they look forward to?
According to Statistics Indonesia 2016 estimates, Batam has a population of 1,236,399, making it the third-largest city in Sumatra, after Medan and Palembang. This is the closest part from Indonesia to Singapore, with a minimum land distance of 5.8 km. During the 2010 national census, Batam was the fastest growing city in Indonesia in the previous decade, with a
population growth rate of 11% per year. In 2017, the island suffered a severe job loss, around 300,000 workers were laid off
The Batam City Government gets Rp 2.7 billion in special allocation funds (DAK) for tourism development in 2019. And this is the road...
Menurut perkiraan Statistics Indonesia 2016, Batam memiliki populasi 1.236.399, menjadikannya kota terbesar ketiga di wilayah Sumatera, setelah Medan dan Palembang. Ini adalah bagian terdekat dari Indonesia ke Singapura, dengan jarak darat minimum 5,8 km. Selama sensus nasional 2010, Batam adalah kota dengan pertumbuhan tercepat di Indonesia pada dekade sebelumnya, dengan tingkat pertumbuhan penduduk 11% per tahun. Pada 2017, pulau itu menderita kehilangan pekerjaan parah, sekitar 300.000 pekerja diberhentikan
行政区域はバタム島、レンパン、ガランの3つの主要な島(総称してバレラン)と、いくつかの小さな島をカバーしています。 バタム島は都市部と工業団地の中心地ですが、レンパング島とガラン島は農村の特徴を維持しながらバタム島と短い橋でつながっています。
バタム島で中国人とビジネスをするとき、日本の会社は成長できません。 中国人はギャンブルをするのが大好きで、薬物を吸入します、そして、彼らはギャンブルテーブルにあなたの投資を置きます。
あなたがバタムで詐欺されたくないのであれば、豚肉とビールを食べる民俗インドネシア人との取引だけをしてください。 みんぞくインドネシアには、名前や国籍がありません。
Edited with 720p resolution for the lowest acceptable quality
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