Making Thioacetone: The Worst Smelling Substance on Earth…and SMELLING IT | First-Ever Complete Demo

Описание к видео Making Thioacetone: The Worst Smelling Substance on Earth…and SMELLING IT | First-Ever Complete Demo

In the late 1880’s, German chemists produced a substance with a smell so powerful, that it caused city-wide panic and nausea. Less than a hundred years later, British researchers attempted to produce that very same chemical, and ended up clearing a building. The putrid chemical behind all of this hysteria is known as thioacetone, and it is listed as the foulest-smelling substance on Earth. Only a few records detailing human interaction with it exist, and no pictures or videos of it have ever been published…until now!

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0:00 Intro sequence
0:42 What smells?
1:03 Introducing: THIOACETONE
1:54 The synthesis
4:22 The smell of success!
5:08 Trimer smell and appearance
5:48 Extracting the trimer
6:24 What next?
7:00 The big day
7:51 Thioacetone: first impressions
9:19 Smell distance test
10:59 Thioacetone: ACTUALLY SEEING IT!
12:00 Why no gagging or vomit?
13:09 Conclusion: myth confirmed?
13:30 Parting words
13:57 Patron thanks and outro
14:10 Post-credits bonus blurb


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