Leonard and Lisa Snart: Warriors (Imagine Dragons)

Описание к видео Leonard and Lisa Snart: Warriors (Imagine Dragons)

New video about Snarts siblings. Enjoy
Talking transcription:

He punished me. Locked me up

I didn`t get this scar being criminal. I got it being a daughter.


Are you just here to get your gun? To say goodbyes and free go get yourself killed? It`s suicide.

Ever since that day nothing is about the same

You want me to say I`m sorry?
No. You look pretty pity enough already


37 seconds. I must be out of practice.
Great. You just strip the alarm
We are all over it

You know what i want from this world.
Yes. To see it burn.
You are not like them. You`re one of us.

He saved you life. Must be two of you pretty close, hah?

You said it yourself: Mick is our best chance for survival.

I`m getting you out of here.
It`s impossible.

Seat belt

He is not just anyone.
Cause he is my brother.

Who did this to you&
We`re fine.

I don`t want you to die

You`re alive.

You wonna stay alive? Best listen to the devil. Get out now!

Will it even matter if i ask you not to go?
Sure it is.

You have a life here. A family. But to them you`re not. I`m not gonna let anything happen to you.

This is sick.
You wanted us to spend more time together.

You`re idiots

Today is the day we stop running.

All that glitters.
That`s adorable
Shut up


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