Sourdough bulk fermentation tips

Описание к видео Sourdough bulk fermentation tips

When should I call bulk fermentation and shape my dough?

Here are some tips:

start with room temperature ingredients especially your water. Try and keep everything around 70-75 degrees.

coil fold every 30 minutes. Folding your dough not only strengthens it but also helps maintain a consistent temperature throughout the entire dough.

look for signs your dough is ready to shape: after folding it and waiting for 30 minutes, if it is still rounded at the top that is a good sign that it’s time to stop.

look for bubbles on the skin of your dough, bubbles on top mean bubble throughout which means a bubbly crumb 🤙

FEEL your dough. It should feel fluffy and jiggly, not dense.

lastly, do a window pane test. Getting a good window pane is more than just a good bulk fermentation, it’s also a strong starter and high quality ingredients.

How many times did I say bulk fermentation in this video… it feels like 100. Thanks for watching

#bulkfermentation #sourdough #doughboi #bread #sourdough


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