Korean Mom and Dad's Trip to Northern Europe 한국엄빠 북유럽 여행기

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In the summer of 2023, we went to four Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland.
It was even more fun to travel with my 30-year-old companion.2023년 여름에 북유럽 4개국, 노르웨, 스웨덴, 덴마크, 핀란드 다녀왔어요.30년지기 동반자랑 여행을 함께해서 더욱 즐거웠어요.
#korean #koreansentences #koreanunnie #북유럽 #북유럽여행 #NorthernEurope #Norway #Copenhagen #Stockholm #Helsinki #게이랑에르 피요르드 ##브릭스달 #피요르드 #빙하 #플롬열차 #노르웨이 #스웨덴 #덴마크 #핀란드


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