Awesome Strategy For Black Ops 2 Zombies Green Run Town Survival (Commentary)

Описание к видео Awesome Strategy For Black Ops 2 Zombies Green Run Town Survival (Commentary)

In this video I show a great strategy to survive as many rounds as possible against zombies on the Black Ops 2 Zombies Town map on survival mode. The basic idea is to keep runnning back and fourth to the bar building and building with jugger-nog. It's basically a figure 8 strategy. Once you get to the second floor of either the bar or building with jugger-nog, kill as many zombies as possible before jumping off then running back through the center and going to the other building. Repeat.

Be careful when running back to the bar or other other building as there is fire that can damage you. And most of the zombies should group up behind you as long as you stay at the top of each building for a few seconds. Some zombies may appear in front of you, but you should not have a problem getting past them or killing them before the large group of zombies catch up.

Make sure to get Jugger-nog, Speed Cola, Quick Revive, and the Stamin-Up perk. Also upgrade weapons using the pack-a-punch machine whenever the zombies become to hard to kill with non-upgraded weapons.

Bump in the Night, Night Break, In a Heartbeat & Motivator Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons "Attribution 3.0""


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