Separation axioms - T0 space - T1 space - hausdorff space - regular space - normal space - Topology

Описание к видео Separation axioms - T0 space - T1 space - hausdorff space - regular space - normal space - Topology

Separation axioms in topology | Topology | Real Analysis | Topological space | Math Tutorials | Classes by Cheena Banga
***Separation axioms (pdf) :
*****Real Analysis : Playlist****
   • Real Analysis  

T0 space | T1 space | T2 space | T3 space | T4 space | T5 space | Hausdorff Space | Regular Space | Tychonoff space

useful for Msc | BSC | NET | NBHM | LPU | DU | IIT JAM | TIFR

Other topics covered in playlist:
Disconnectedness and connectedness theorems.
Separated sets theorem
Separated Sets | Definition | Examples | Real Analysis | Metric Space | Topology
Separated sets are Disjoint.
Disjoint sets may or may not be Separated.
Cantor Set
Perfect Set | Definition with example.
Closed subset of a compact set is compact.
Heine-Borel theorem
Closed Set | definition | theorems
set is closed iff its complement is open
Bolzano weierstrass theorem : Every infinite bounded subset of R has a limit point.
Definition of Neighbourhood of a point
Definition of Open set
infinite intersection of open sets need not to be open
Union of two NBDS is NBD
Intersection of NBDS is NBD
Superset of a NBD is also a NBD
Every Open interval (a,b) is neighbourhood of each of its points.
Closed interval is neighbourhood of each point except end points.
real numbers is NBD of each real number
Rational numbers set is not the neighbourhood of any of its points.
Metric space | Distance Function | Example
Metric space : Definition and Axioms
Real Analysis : Introduction and Intervals
Union of countable sets is countable
Finite,infinite,equivalent,denumerable,countable sets
Infinite subset of countable set is countable
Field,Ordered Field,complete Ordered Field
Set of Integers is Countable
Supremum and infimum
Set is countably infinite iff it can be written in the form distinct elements
Continuum Hypothesis
Cartesian product of two countable sets is Countable
Set of Rational numbers is Countable

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Math Tutorials
Classes by Cheena Banga

Definition of metric Space
Examples of metric space
Open and Closed sets
Topology and convergence
Types of metric spaces
Complete Spaces
Bounded and complete bounded spaces
Compact spaces
Locally compact and proper spaces
Separable spaces
Pointed Metric spaces
Types of maps between metric spaces
continuous maps
uniformly continuous maps
Lipschitz-continuous maps and contractions
notions of metric space equivalence
Topological properties
Distance between points and sets
Hausdorff distance and Gromov metric
Product metric spaces
Continuity of distance
Quotient metric spaces
Generalizations of metric spaces
Metric spaces as enriched categories


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