The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief (Remastered) S13 - Everything is Going Overboard

Описание к видео The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief (Remastered) S13 - Everything is Going Overboard

Chiak sees how Adil was caught and the danger that Inch presents to the two lovers.

00:00 - Start
00:36 - Adil's Been Caught
13:26 - Adil Chases the Culprit
22:46 - Getting Into the Museum
30:53 - Fetch with Doggo

The Raven: Master Thief is a adventure game developed by King Arts Game. Middle-aged Swiss police constable, Anton Jakob Zellner, does not have much experience but managed to get himself assigned to accompany well-respected Interpol detective, Nicolas Legrand. Zellner has his suspicions the trip involves the theft of a ruby that was a part of a set, the Eyes of the Sphinx.

All rights to The Raven: Master Thief is reserved to King Arts Game. (


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