Automate Typed Answer Evaluation using AI | Eklavvya

Описание к видео Automate Typed Answer Evaluation using AI | Eklavvya

This video shows how Artificial Intelligence can assist you to automate typed descriptive answer evaluation.

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Additional Resources:
1. Automated Evaluation of Descriptive Answers using AI-
   • Automated Evaluation of Descriptive A...  
2. Simplify Answer Sheet Evaluation-
   • Simplify Answer Sheet Evaluation | Ek...  
3. Online Examination: Manage Descriptive or Online Subjective Exams-

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Swapnil Dharmadhikari-   / swapnildh  

Well, are you struggling to manually evaluate descriptive answers during the evaluation process? Definitely it is very time consuming and lot of institutes face challenge associated with evaluating descriptive answers because manual checking of descriptive answers takes lot of time and it is error prone.

So definitely there is a need for some kind of solution associated with it. But wait, now AI can assist you to automate descriptive answer evaluation process. Yes, AI can save a lot of time for you where AI can evaluate thousands of descriptive answers in minutes. So traditionally it might take days or months to evaluate say 10,000, 20,000, 50,000 plus descriptive answers, but now AI can do it for you in a matter of minutes, right?

So, introducing AI automated descriptive answer evaluation feature provided by Eklavvya platform which will certainly help you to automate descriptive answer evaluation process with high accuracy with the help of advanced AI algorithms.

AI is everywhere, it is getting adopted across multiple sectors and definitely education institutions are also trying to embrace the AI descriptive answer evaluation is one of the critical use cases where AI can assist you to improve accuracy and fast track the result processing as well.

So, AI can evaluate descriptive answers, it can speed up the answer sheet checking process where it will definitely assist your teachers to evaluate descriptive answers. So rather than reading long answers typed by the students for various questions, you can take a help of AI to understand pattern, AI will help you to compare it with the model answers and it will come up with the recommended marks to be allocated for the particular answer.

So, AI has been adopted for descriptive answer evaluation for quite a few use cases where we have been working with many educations institution as well as training institute to simplify the descriptive answer evaluation process with the help of advanced AI algorithm provided by Eklavvya platform.

So typically, while using this AI algorithm, typically examiner need to evaluate at least 15% to 20% of the answers typed by the student and based on that, AI will learn the marking scheme pattern based on model answers as well as marks awarded by the examiner for various descriptive answers.

And AI will come up with its own recommendations for all the future answers typed by the student. So, imagine a scenario, if you have 50,000 descriptive answers to be evaluated as an examiner, you only need to evaluate 1st, 500 or 1000 answers typed by the student and the rest of the 95% or 90% of the answers can be evaluated by AI with very high accuracy.

So, one of the big largest training institutes of India which has already automated descriptive answer evaluation process with the help of AI algorithm where it saved 2000 plus evaluation hours for the teachers and it has also achieved 95% plus accuracy in evaluating the descriptive answers of the students.

So, what are you waiting for? If you would like to embrace AI for automated descriptive answer evaluation process. Then you can contact us for the free demonstration. We will certainly help you to improve accuracy associated with descriptive answer evaluation. And AI can also help you to speed up the overall process. Thank you.
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