Unboxing & Building the Wakooshi Mercury Nest for Review for Queen Ant Colony

Описание к видео Unboxing & Building the Wakooshi Mercury Nest for Review for Queen Ant Colony

In this video, I'll be unboxing and building the Wakooshi Mercury Nest for a review for our Queen Ant Colony. This ant nest is amazing and I can't wait to share my thoughts on it.

If you're a fan of ant farms, then you'll love this Wakooshi Mercury Nest!

This ant farm is a unique and innovative design that's sure to impress. I've not really seen one like it.

In this video, I'll be unboxing and building the nest for you, so you can see how it's made and how it works. After you watch this video, you'll be able to see how this ant farm is a great way to teach kids about ecology and the natural world!

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