"सहजयोग का तप:- मेरा चित्त कहा हैं?"/Penance for Sahajayoga:- Where is my attention? -Shree Mataji

Описание к видео "सहजयोग का तप:- मेरा चित्त कहा हैं?"/Penance for Sahajayoga:- Where is my attention? -Shree Mataji

H.H.Shree Mataji Nirmala Devi/प.पु.श्री माताजी निर्मला देवी

Hindi to English Translation:-
It’s alright for today and tomorrow, you can play Holi, sing songs, you can dance. You can dance today also – there is no problem. But after that it is important to reach your Agnya. Because by such behavior the joy you get, the purity you experience, the brother hood you experience, the Universal brotherhood that is felt – from that you spread out. But to reach the depth, is it necessary that you do penance. We spread a lot; Sahaja Yoga spreads quickly. If you see in the program, I am getting scared whether the hall be sufficient or not, what will happen? It will spread quickly, but you have to go deep. For going deep you have to do penance. Now doing penance does not mean that you fast, it’s not necessary to fast. But if your attention is on food then you have to take it out. Just seeing where your attention is all the time is the penance a Sahaja Yogi has to do. From your attention only you spoil your Agnya. ‘Where is my attention?’ ‘What am I thinking?’ ‘What am I doing at this time?’ ‘What am I thinking?’ – If you look at your attention and always conscious, then your attention will be enlightened in the Agnya. This is the penance – controlling your attention. Controlling the attention, observing the attention, thinking of our attention. Now observe where is your attention? Where is your attention? Just talking about attention – where has it gone? It is such a distracted attention. I am talking, where is your attention? So look at your attention. Controlling your attention does not mean forcibly. But now if you look at your attention through the enlightened Spirit then your attention becomes enlightened. You should concentrate and watch your attention. Anything you see – like this pole in front of Me. There are all kinds of beautiful flowers in it. Now with every glance there is inspection. Now I remember this completely – like what is where, where these is space, everything – it has become a picture. Through the concentrated attention the picture is made. From that there is growth, you come to know of everything completely. Through attention only you can come to know of things. But if the attention is distracted, then you cannot reach the depths, just the surface. I have seen that when you ask something of a 20 year old also especially in a foreign country, if you ask, “What is your name” – so first they say, ‘Hoon, then haan, then hi”. I said, “I first asked, ‘What is your name?’” “What did you ask? What is my name?” I said, “Yes, I asked you ‘what is your name’?” “Yes”, then thought ‘what is my name’. Then said, “What did you say? What is my name?” for 5 minutes he could not understand what he is saying.Then I said, “Have you taken drugs and come? “No, I used to take”. The brain was completely gone. I said, “I have been asking you for 5 minutes, ‘What is your name’? You are going on ‘haan, haan, he, he”. Because all this did not happen from the drugs it happened because of attention becomes unstable. As the attention become distracted, all the time it keeps moving. Now I observe everywhere – at the airport and all, they will be talking here and looking all around. Pure attention is concentration. Concentrated attention is the one that takes in. What is not to be taken in it does not see. It is not seen at all, the attention will go away from there by itself. Because it is so pure that it cannot be dirtied by impure things. It cannot go there. This is up to you to see within yourself – ‘where is our attention’? This is the penance, the penance in Sahaja Yoga is to see – ‘where is my attention?’, ‘where am I going?’ where is my mind going?’ If you can do this then you have crossed over Agnya. And there is no question in Sahasrara at all as I am sitting there. But if you haven’t crossed over the Agnya, then it becomes difficult at Sahasrara as there is a very narrow space in the Agnya – having to pull from that, I get scared that you may end up with broken hand or leg. For Agnya it is important to do penance. As soon as you start your penance, you will touch your depths. Otherwise they were saying, “There is Sahaja Yogini, she got cancer”. I said, “What kind of a Sahaja Yogini is she?” She did come for the program. But her attention may be here and there, maybe looking for a girl for her son or she may be searching for something else. How can she get cancer? It cannot happen. But it did happen, the reason for that is – she is has come to the program and is sitting there but still continued to think – ‘This happened to me; that happened to me. When do I tell Mataji what is my state? Mother you are the Devi, ‘this’ has happened to me”.

Speech Refernce:-
Holi Celebrations Talk, Delhi, India (28/02/1991)
Direct Youtube Link:-    • 1991-0228 Holi Celebrations Talk, Del...  

Amruta link:- https://www.amruta.org/1991/02/28/hol...


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