BPO Services provider| NCRI Canada Office

Описание к видео BPO Services provider| NCRI Canada Office

NCRi is a business process outsourcing service provider. Our flexible and adaptable teams, whether in Canada, nearshore, or offshore, are highly skilled experts in customer service, negotiation, and selling. Our specialists are backed up by state-of-the-art technology and an engaged, responsive, and supportive management and executive team. Our service offerings are customizable, scalable, and adapt to changes as they arise. Our comprehensive solutions in seamless Accounts Receivable services, Omni channel Customer Experience support, Data-Driven Analytics, Human resource support, and Bookkeeping services give us an edge over the competition.

Website: https://www.ncri.com/

Social Media :
Twitter :   / ncriinc  
Facebook:   / nationalcreditrecoveryinc  
LinkedIn :   / 506477  
Instagram:   / ncri_inc  

#bpo #bpocompany #outsourcingservices #AccountsReceivablesManagement #CustomerExperienceServices
#HRSupportservices #BookkeepingServices #DataAnalyticsservices #ITEnabledServices #NetworkDesignServices #SoftwareDevelopmentservices #callcenterservices #businessprocessoutsourcing #omnichannelcustomerservices #Ncriinc #Ncri #Ncricanada


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