The Battle of Perryville: Civil War Kentucky

Описание к видео The Battle of Perryville: Civil War Kentucky

On October 7, 1862, Maj. Gen. Don Carlos Buell's Army of the Ohio, in pursuit of Gen Braxton Bragg’s Army of Mississippi, approached the crossroads town of Perryville, Kentucky. While a tactical victory for the Confederates in the field, it resulted in the end of the Kentucky Campaign as Bragg brought his troops back into Tennessee.

Join Garry Adelman, Stuart Sanders, Taylor Bishop and Joni House from Parson's Ridge on the Perryville Battlefield for a deep-dive on all things Perryville.

Please disregard the poor audio quality as best as you can. We unfortunately had a malfunctioning microphone.

Look for our numerous videos on YouTube over the next week, and special thanks to all the donors who helped make this trip possible!


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