Bolt Action Battle Report: North Korea vs. USMC, 1952

Описание к видео Bolt Action Battle Report: North Korea vs. USMC, 1952

It's time for another Bolt Action battle report! This time we have the armies of North Korea and the United States battling for the sole objective of the top of Meatloaf Hill.

Army lists below!

Keep those brushes movin' AND keep them dice rollin'!

North Korean Army
16 dice, 1046 points

1st LT w/ 2 comrades, Reg. 95
Commissar w/1comerade, Inexp. 70
Medic Reg. 25
Conscript squad w/anti-tank grenades, 10 guys FREE
Rifle squad, 7 guys, Reg. 70 (with FLAG bearer, +25)
Rifle squad, NCO w/SMG, LMG, 8 guys, Reg. 103
LMG squad, NCO w/SMG, LMGx2, Reg. 93
MMG Team, w/gun shield, Reg. 55
Medium Mortar w/spotter, Reg. 60
Lt. Howitzer Reg. 50
Flamethrower Team Reg. 50
T-34/85 Reg. 235
BA64 Armored Car Reg.65
Truck Reg.39

12 dice, 1042 points

1st LT w/ 1 GI, Reg. 85
Air Observer w/ 1 GI, Reg. 85
Chaplain Reg. 26
Medic Reg. 23
USMC Squad NCO w/SMG, 1 SMG, 2 BAR, 1 shotgun, 3 pistols, Reg. 102
USMC Squad NCO w/SMG, 1 SMG, 2 BAR, 1 shotgun, 3 pistols, Reg. 102
USMC Squad NCO w/SMG, 2 BAR, 1 shotgun, 3 pistols, Reg. 99
MMG Team Reg. 50
Bazooka Team Reg. 60
Sniper Team Reg. 50
M8 Greyhound Reg. 110
M4 Sherman "Freak Brothers" w/pintle mount MMG, Reg. 250


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