Merubah Lahan Jelek Menjadi Kolam Ikan Hias Terindah I Making Bad Land to be Nice Fish Pond

Описание к видео Merubah Lahan Jelek Menjadi Kolam Ikan Hias Terindah I Making Bad Land to be Nice Fish Pond

Bagi kalian pecinta hewan peliharaan khususnya binatang ikan, tidak ada yang rasanya lebih menyenangkan daripada menikmati pemandangan hilir mudik ikan kesayangan di dalam kolam khusus. Tidak heran jika desain kolam ikan minimalis menjadi salah satu yang paling diminati oleh pemilik rumah sekaligus pecinta ikan.

(For those of you who love pets, especially fish, there is nothing more enjoyable than enjoying the view of your favorite fish back and forth in a special pond. No wonder the minimalist fish pond design is one of the most sought after by homeowners as well as fish lovers)

Disclaimer : the owner of this video is @No1 IDEAS . I just want to give the information through this video how to make aquarium. The responsible for the content is the owner.

This video is taken from ‪@no1ideas‬ thanks very much for ‪@no1ideas‬ God bless You
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